Why can't I take off a 3D print?

When 3D printing, you often encounter problems related to the form of the print itself. Delamination of the design, holes forming, problems with separating the finished print from the support... These are just some of the adversities that await 3D printing enthusiasts.


So, with you in mind, we have created a guide series. We will present the most common errors and problems related to additive printing.

The first problem is the impossibility or difficulty of detaching the finished print from the table or pad.

At the beginning, it should be noted that the most effective printing method is printing using an appropriate adhesive pad. It eliminates many obstacles. The advantages of the pad are:

  • the ability to remove it from the table, which gives us more room to maneuver when removing the print;
  • adhesion – the pad prevents most filaments from sticking to the substrate;
  • easy cleaning;
  • possibility of replacing the element;
  • scratch resistance.

An important step is also the preparation of the surface itself for printing - to create a layer that will enable easy removal of the print while leaving the first layer intact, an appropriate preparation must be used. Some filaments react well with water, while a certain group needs a different substance, such as adhesive glues, which work well in combination with all types of filaments available on the market.

Why doesn't the print come off the table and how to fix it?

A common mistake made by inexperienced people is forgetting that after the printing process is finished, you need to wait for both the substrate and the print to cool down. The filament layers then shrink, which reduces adhesion and the print should be detachable with little force.

When a person is in a hurry...

If basic methods fail, you can try to pry the print out with a flat tool. The thinner the end of the device, the better: we will avoid accidental deformation of the print. In the case of UBOT printers, the starter kit includes a special spatula that makes it easier to lift the printout.

Or maybe with a spatula?

Jeśli podstawowe metody zawiodą, można spróbować podważyć wydruk za pomocą płaskiego narzędzia. Im cieńsze zakończenie przyrządu, tym lepiej: unikniemy przypadkowej deformacji wydruku. W przypadku drukarek UBOT zestaw startowy zawiera specjalną szpatułkę ułatwiającą podważenie wydruku.

Flexible pad

Undoubtedly, the most advantageous and least problematic solution is to use a flexible adhesive pad, which is specially created for this purpose. Thanks to its flexible form, it can be bent, thanks to which the print easily detaches from its surface.

The adhesive pad should be as matched as possible to the table on which it will be placed. For this reason, it is best to invest in a table with an elastic pad attached to it.

That is why UBOT printers are sold together with a pad.


Adhesive glue

It is also a good habit to use liquids available on the market to create a coating between the substrate and the print. The preparations do not affect the properties of the filaments and come in various forms: from those that dry to those that harden to form a kind of foil that can be torn off the tabletop after printing. There are quite a lot of displacements, and adhesive glues will certainly save us stress and make the final stage of printing easier.


Necessity is the mother of invention

If standard methods fail, you can think about more unconventional methods, such as using... dental floss. Ordinary thread will also work for this treatment. To take a photo of the print efficiently, tighten the thread and try to lift the print with it with a quick movement. This way we will definitely not scratch the table itself, but remember that this activity should not be performed if at some point we feel strong resistance = it may result in damage to the print!

Cold, colder…

If, after cooling the table, you still cannot tear the print off, it is worth considering cooling the table top. We know that heat-shrinkable materials react to temperature changes. The warmer it is, the more plastic and susceptible to deformation the material is, the colder it becomes, the harder it becomes and shrinks, which means it no longer adheres so tightly to the substrate on which it was printed.

Problem with the first layer

The first layer plays a key role in peeling off the print. If the filament sticks to the pad or table inappropriately, we can be sure that even the best 3D printer will produce a project that will not be able to be detached from the table. This is often caused by the wrong temperature setting. Remember that each type of filament behaves differently at different temperatures.

There is no clear answer to the question of how to prevent the printout from sticking too much to the table. It should be borne in mind that each 3D printer and each filament have their own rules. Despite being careful and following the manufacturer's recommendations, there may be problems with removing the finished design.

See also

wydruk 3d, sowy wydrukowane w 3D, figurka sowy

Laboratories of the Future – a project tailored to 3D printing

Projektowanie wydruku 3D, dom wydruk 3D, makieta architektoniczna wydrukowana w 3D

How to design a 3D print?